Anton Paar's measuring instruments deliver hard facts on crude oil properties, essential for optimizing drilling, yield, treatment, and transportation. By evaluating and simulating well conditions, you can optimize drilling and improve reservoir yield.
Anton Paar's wide range of crude oil analysis solutions includes density, viscosity, flash point, rheological behavior, salinity, and refractive index measurement as well as sample digestion for trace analysis. This knowledge optimizes crude oil treatment and ensures hassle-free transportation to the refinery.

Use crude oil analysis for exploration and production
Using the right measuring instruments, you can optimize your processes to increase the yield of your reservoirs and ensure lower costs for solvents and drilling fluids. Measurements in the laboratory that simulate the real behavior of the crude oil underground are an excellent basis for decisions regarding the extraction potential and required polymer flooding agents. Use measurements on the crude oil after recovery to assess the purity. Monitoring the properties of the drilling fluid enables you to maintain the best mix to reduce the costs of recovery while ensuring the best yield.

Determine the rheological properties of crude oil under different environmental conditions
Rheological characterization of drilling fluids/drilling mud under high pressure and high temperatures
Perform rheological characterization and viscosity measurement of fracturing fluids
Crude oil testing at refineries
The determination of crude oil classification upon delivery to a refinery is of paramount importance as it serves as a critical indicator of potential refinery operational improvements. In this context, invaluable insights are gained through the use of portable, laboratory, and in-process density measurement equipment. At the same time, a protective mechanism is essential to keep the refinery safe from potentially contaminated crude oil. This protection is maintained through continuous monitoring using process viscosity sensors.

Conducting crude oil analysis to evaluate composition and classify it according to API
Crude oil analysis for transportation and distribution
Knowledge of a crude oil's flow behavior and viscosity is not only important during exploration, but also for the transportation of crude oil. With Anton Paar’s range of rheometers and viscometers – for both laboratory and inline measurements – you can make sure the flow behavior of your crude oil blend is spot on for smooth transportation under all seasonal conditions.